3 Ways to Weather the Ups and Downs of People You Love

3 Ways to Weather the Ups and Downs of People You Love

If you are a born lover of people, you take on many of the cares of people around you.  When your best friend has woes, you commiserate. When your adult daughter has boyfriend issues, you listen and clamp your mouth shut. When someone you care about is hurting, you...
When Was the Last Time You Celebrated?

When Was the Last Time You Celebrated?

Besides birthdays and holidays, when was the last time you celebrated?  How often do you take the time to stop and recognize your successes and accomplishments or do the same for people around you?  How would life change if you took time for celebrations? As an...
How to Savor the Moment by Slowing

How to Savor the Moment by Slowing

Each of us have the same 86,400 seconds per day. How we choose to spend them significantly impacts the quality of our lives and the people around us. What kind of day, month, year do you envision for yourself, your family, your creative endeavors? Choosing a...
How to Find Sacred Rest In the Midst of Busyiness

How to Find Sacred Rest In the Midst of Busyiness

You have a to do list that is never ending. The upcoming spring season is ramping up yet it’s lost its luster for you. You begin to dread getting up in the morning, even with the hope of spring. What is going on in your mind, heart and body? Easter and the hope of...
Focus Can Put You In a Time Warp

Focus Can Put You In a Time Warp

Wondering where your time goes?  Wishing you could multiple your minutes?  Thinking a time warp could be helpful.  Consider upping your focus! Focus is the ability to direct your attention or efforts in a concerted manner.  As a child, I loved playing with a...

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