Where do you live your thinking life? Thinking about the past… “the good old days”? Or looking to the future, “when I make more money” or “Suzy is out of the house and I have more time”? How can you learn to enjoy life right now, living fully in the moment and feeling more contented?
Over the next few weeks together, we will be exploring what it takes to enjoy life more fully. Brain-based research is pointing us to new ways to practice thinking and feeling so that we can fully enjoy each day, regardless of our circumstances. When we couple those practices with what God teaches in His word, it’s a win-win for lifting our soul and rewiring our brain.
The Time Is Now
Each of us has only 24 hours a day, which is 1440 minutes a day, which is 10,080 minutes a week. However, if you are like me, I often act like I have more than that or at least try to cram more in than is possible. No matter what, each of us gets the same amount of time. We don’t get to bank time. We do get choices in our minds and emotions in how we view and intentionally spend time. Keeping focused on God and how we view time goes a long way in how our souls can be lifted and we live in the moment.
S.T.E.P.S. To Enjoy Life More Fully – Where to Start
To determine what steps you may want to take to live more fully, we will examine the acronym STEPS. These focus STEPS well help us get healthier and whole in the areas of:
S-Spiritual – What spiritual practices will enhance our daily lives?
T-Time – How will being intentional about how we spend our time improve our lives?
E-Emotions/Mind – How could noticing, oxygenizing (deep breathing)and walking out a win make a difference in how we feel on a daily basis and help rewire our brains?
P-Physical- What physical strategies will help us get healthier daily?
S-Social – How does the choosing of friends and community have to do with how we grow and change?
As you think about living more fully present, examine what thoughts that are triggered by the above questions. What is essential for you? Where do you want to begin to take STEPS to enjoy each day more fully?
Over the next few weeks, blogs will be posted each Thursday to explore these questions. Brain-based research and resources will be included. How can we, together as a community begin to take STEPS to be healthy and whole?
Nancy Booth is a certified life coach and certified brain-based coach. She loves creating safe spaces for women going through life’s transitions to discover and support their visions for health and well-being in an overwhelming world, explore possibilities for next steps and find hope. She writes about taming the overwhelm and reducing stress, looking for ways to motivate, energize and inspire you! You can sign up to receive her weekly blog or contact her to find out ways you can begin to shed overwhelm and stress. It’s time to explore possibilities of new relationships, better life pacing and gain hope and peace.