I am always on the lookout for good resources to add to my book shelf- either literally or digitally. Learning is one of my favorite things to do.  I usually have  stack of books next to my bed or chair that I am reading at a time.  Finishing them is another matter!!   Each month, I hope to share some of my favorites with you that I have found beneficial in my journey to hope and health.

The Bible

There are so many versions out now to help me incorporate joy into my day by in reading the Bible.  For example, in The Voice , published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, is an new paraphrase of the Bible I have been enjoying. It brings in freshness to your morning readings.  I like to read parallel versions and my Bible Gateways app makes it very easy to compare multiple versions. In the Voice, there are 333 references to joy.  Another version I like to compare the Voice to is English Standard Version (ESV).  This morning, I compared The Voice and ESV  together to get a great encouragement on joy:

“…As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.” Psalm 16: 11 The Voice

“..in your presence there is fullness of joy: at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 ESV

By comparing I get even more ideas on how to focus on joy for my day.

The Life You’ve Always Wanted

In John Ortberg’s book, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People he calls joy the practice of celebration.  He writes about A “Dee Dah Day”  and how his daughter Mallory, a young child at the time was good at teaching him the expression of joy, running around dancing and singing, “Dee Dah, Dee Dah, Dee Dah.”  At the time, he was particularly in a hurry with her and told her she had to hurry.  She stopped and looked at him and said, “Why, Daddy?”  Indeed, why do we have to stop the joy and hurry past it?

Joy is being in the present moment and enjoying what we have.  I love John Ortberg’s style of writing, his practical stories and how he makes spiritual disciplines in the reach for all of us.  Until I read his book, I hadn’t thought of joy and celebration as a discipline, but practicing joy takes intention and practice.  Joy as our focus can change our brains and lives for the long term.


The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress Free Living


In this book, The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress Free LivingDr Amit Sood, focuses us on joyful attention.  I learned a lot about how to stay more fully present and experience joy in the moment.  In addition to joyful attention, this book includes background on how your brain and mind works, plus strategies for incorporating gratitude, compassion, acceptance, higher meaning, forgiveness, relaxation and reflection and what he calls Tribe into your life.  (Tribe is your family and social support).

I found this book to be easy to read and the strategies practical.  I do need to keep going back to the ideas so I can get them more as a habit in my life.  Consistency is always the challenge, isn’t it?

What about you?

What are your favorite resources on joy?  How have you incorporated more joy into your life during the month of June?  I would love to know what resources you find helpful as you seek more joy in your life.  Please share in the comments below or post on Nancy Booth Coaching Facebook.  I want this to be a community for all of us.  Also If you enjoy these posts, please share on your facebook page.  The more the merrier as we build our community!

Starting next week, we’ll be exploring Interests and how having favorite interests builds our brains and resiliency.  Let’s play together in July!


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