When reading the devotional Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence, by Sarah Young recently, I was challenged to think of my own fragility as sacred treasures. Really, God, my tiredness, my battle with depression, my fight for my health can be sacred treasures? You have got to be kidding!
Depression has made me more aware certainly of taking care of myself and the difference in how my days play out. Some days are better than others, regardless of the things I do. I have my steps of self-care that I am working on – time alone with God, keeping my negative chatter in my head in check, focusing on gratitude, eating no sugar or wheat, routines in sleep, and keeping in touch with my “bone marrow” friends to name a few things. My focus on being intentionally joyful helps but tiredness and sadness on some days still lingers.
As I sat quietly and pondered the idea of accepting and appreciating my fragility more, several questions came to mind:
What are the blessings in my life through my fragility?
How can and am I blossoming in my life through my fragility?
What treasures in my life am I uncovering because of this fragility?
Sacred Treasures and Blessings
To my surprise, as I began to think about what I wouldn’t have without my fragility, God revealed quite a lengthy list of things I have in my life because of my fragility. My treasures and blessings include:
- Sensitivity to the pain of others – certainly my experiences of depression have given me a new awareness in the fight and stigma surrounding mental health- from the health care system to the uncertainty of living with a chronic condition to the reoccurring nature of depression to empathy of those fighting a chronic condition.
- Change from passive to active self-care – after a while, my darkness finally moved me to action and seeking out any and all information I could to help myself, instead of relying only on medication. I also gave myself permission to take care of myself, instead of focusing on others.
- Discover a more intentional path and calling- with the darkness and fragility, comes a lot of soul searching. What is most important? How do I use my time? What are my passions? What is God calling me to? What are my dreams? What I have discovered is that I am to care for my soul with a focus on my love of Jesus as I learn spiritual direction. I get to write coach and encourage overwhelmed women and spend intentional time with my family.
Your Sacred Treasures
What about you? What chronic conditions are you facing? How are they bringing blessings into your life as you lean on the One who loves you?
For even if the mountains walk away
and the hills fall to pieces,
My love won’t walk away from you,
my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.”
The God who has compassion on you says so. Isaiah 54:10 The Msg
I am not saying the discovery of sacred treasures is an easy one, nor a quick one. Often, we need companions along the way to help us see the treasures that are buried in our lives. Honestly, I was surprised at the treasures I uncovered this week. I would love to help you discover the sacred treasures in your life as you move forward to seeing the peace and joy that is available to you. What do you have because of fragility in your life? Please comment below or on Facebook at Nancy Booth Coaching. Feel free to share this on your Faceook page, Pinterest, or Google Circle to encourage others as well. We’re on this journey together.