How often to you feel like you’d like to get away and recover your life?  What would you like to recover in your life?  Focus?  Time?  Happiness?   I am guessing if I ask 10 different women, I might get 10 different answers.  The main questions are what do you need to do to get away and what do you need to recover in your life?

Many women I know have this longing deep within to get away.  I know I have had that longing for awhile.  If only I could have some time to myself.  If only I had the time to rest.  If only I could take time to hear what God has to say to me.

The ironic part to those longings is that in reality, I do have that time.  The only person standing in between me taking time for a real rest is myself.  I am retired.  I own my own business with projects and clients.  My husband is retired.  I have some commitments at church and with my family.  Otherwise, how I use my time are my choices.

What is keeping you from blocking out time to get away?

When you look at your own schedule, where could you begin to block some get away time?  What time choices do you have?  Even though we all have different schedules, I believe we all have some choices about how we use our time.

Our mindsets are usually the dilemma, rather than the actually minutes in the day.

My mindset revolves around my should be doings, could be doings, would be doings.  My husband said to me not too long ago, “I wouldn’t want to work for you.”  I looked at him strangely.  Then I realized what he meant.  I work long hours writing, meeting and networking with others as well as giving to my family.  When do I allow down time?

What is Jesus’ advice?

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 The Message.

These words of Jesus speak right to my heart.  It’s time to walk and work with Jesus for the rest of the summer and learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  What might that look like, feel like, sound like?

I’m not sure but I’m taking some time off away from this blog to explore what living freely and lightly might look like.

At the moment, I do have plans for the fall.  By being with Jesus and listening closely, that could change!  It’s a big deal for me to take time away from my loyal readers like you to create some breathing space.  However, I’ve determined it’s necessary for me to do so in order to serve you better and keep me healthy, too.

The Take Away

How do you give yourself permission to take a real rest?  I hope you give yourself permission to stop doing some things this summer to walk and talk with Jesus.

For me, I hope to do more sitting on my back porch, listening for God’s whispers and simply resting.

I also hope to take time to do writing and creating in different ways.

What would it look like for you to be different, do something creative and have time at Jesus’ feet? What is your heart’s desire?

See you at the end of August!

Nancy Booth helps you discard chaos and get unstuck as you journey towards a well-nourished life. She helps you embrace wellness, purpose and intentional relationships in your life. Her coaching process helps you design your own personal roadmap to help you build a healthy, purposeful and peaceful mind, body and soul. She would love to walk your journey with you, the life you’ve always wanted.




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