Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is the journey of our hearts towards God. It is the strong invitation to pay attention to God and our feelings that may give us feedback about what we really believe about God, ourselves and our faith.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction provides:
- Opportunities to grow and be more open and willing to receive God’s goodness
- Ways to notice and accept the longings of our hearts, which reflects the desires of God’s heart for us
- A process to choose the authenticity of our true selves
- Companionship along the journey to the heart of God
Spiritual direction extends an invitation to us to pay attention to our feelings. Stressful feelings are like the “fix engine” light on the dashboard of a car. They are telling us something is wrong inside and it’s time to look under the hood. God gently calls us to Himself and with the help of a spiritual director, we can begin to notice our unconscious interpretations.
What about you?
Have you been hiding your feelings for a long time, even from yourself? Have you been telling yourself you shouldn’t feel this way? Where is a safe place for you to explore your thoughts and your feelings so that God can touch your heart and soul?
If you would like to explore an introductory spiritual direction session and the conversations that can transform your heart, you can contact me. You can think about an issue you are processing, and we can explore your feelings about it and bring it to God for direction.
This heart journey to self discovery and God’s delight in you begins with this one step.
My Story
As I grew up, I was the “perfect little girl.” I got a lot of attention for being that little girl so therefore I couldn’t let anyone see the “real” me because they might not like me if I wasn’t perfect. I knew God loved me (thought) but I kept performing for Him as if I had to be perfect. That took enormous energy to hide my negative feelings which played a big part in causing my own anxiety and depression It wasn’t until I felt He delighted in me and called me His Beloved, that the walls around my heart began to crack and my depression began to heal.
Sacred Self Discovery – Woman’s Day Away
Special retreats are held for women throughout the year for sacred self discovery. These will be held in the Madison/Stoughton Watch for future postings so you know when to sign up for the next retreat. You’ll be glad you did!