Physical, Spiritual, Wellbeing, Wellness
How and when do you engage your life in resting that brings refreshment to your mind, body and soul? What interferes with rest currently in your life? I know I can get myself in high gear and then crash in a heap. Examine the following five ways to engage your life...
Physical, Social, Spiritual, Wellbeing
A water well is such a necessity. Those of us who live in cities and turn on the faucet take for granted how easy it is to access water and bring it up from wherever the water comes from, an underground aquifer or spring, river or even man-made reservoir. I happen...
Physical, Spiritual, Wellbeing
How’s your hurriedness these days? Recently, I started my day with exercise, commuted an hour to work (this week in bitter cold!), checked my emails, taught a workshop, attended a class, traveled back home, fixed supper for my family and finally collapsed...