In the early morning hours, I get up to spend alone time with God. My premise is I desire to partner with God. However, before you say, “isn’t that nice” or “I could never do that.” or think I am some kind of amazing person, let me tell you how messy it is.
Some mornings I am headachey, tired or worried or not ready to be focused.. What do I do? I get on Facebook or check emails. Suddenly, 30-45 minutes have disappeared and I am no wiser or more satisfied with life.
Earlier in my life, when I had a short amount of time to meet with God, I would set a timer. I didn’t want to be watching the clock. I knew I had 30 minutes before I had to get out the door. I became more focused on reading, writing in my journal, praying and listening to what God wanted to say to me. Now that I am in semi-retirement and working for myself, I am not nearly as disciplined or focused on how we can be working together in partnership.
Lately, I have been encouraged to pray for my business and how I am to serve women well. I have been challenged to make God an active partner in my business. What could that look like? How can I pray specifically for His partnership?. The following steps may work for you in whatever role fills your day – either as a full-time mom or grandmother or out in the work world. This six-step process has got me back on track to realizing God as my business partner. He wants to be with me in partnership moment by moment throughout the day.
6 ACTION Steps to Partnership with God
- A dore Him– Choose a Bible passage (like in Psalms) to read 3 times and let it wash over you. What words shimmer? This is a lectio divina practice.
- C onfess– Ask God for one word or phrase He wants you to realize to confess and turn back to Him.
- T hank Him– Write down three things you are grateful for and why. What are even little things to be thankful for, like the sunshine?
- I nquire of Him –Determine specific prayer requests for your family/friends (5) and for your business/work/service (5)
- O xygenize Breathe and pray– Take time to breathe and listen – 10-20 minutes of focusing on one word or a phrase, like “Jesus, have mercy” or “peace” to let God sink into your soul. This is a centering prayer practice.
- N ext Steps – Ask God for the next steps in the day ahead. Watch for His partnership throughout the day.
I don’t get these steps perfect and I’m not there yet in getting all these pieces into my habits. However, I am feeling more freedom and seeing more of God in partnership with me in my business and my day-to-day work. (As an aside, I took the photo above. It’s my journal and Bible on the chair in my room. I randomly laid my pen across my journal. I didn’t see that it formed a cross until after I looked at the picture. I felt His encouragement to say, “I’m here with you, Nancy. I’m your partner.”)
I’ll keep you posted on how I progress with this discipline. I would love to know what you try and how you see God at work in your life. We are all on a journey to know and love God more and more. I would love to join you in your journey.
Nancy Booth is a certified life coach and certified brain-based coach. She loves creating safe spaces for women going through life’s transitions to discover and support their visions for health and well-being in an overwhelming world, explore possibilities for next steps and find hope. She writes about taming the overwhelm and reducing stress, looking for ways to motivate, energize and inspire you! You can sign up to receive her weekly blog or contact her to find out ways you can begin to shed overwhelm and stress. It’s time to explore possibilities of new relationships, better life pacing and gain hope and peace.