What feeds your creativity – writing, art, photography, even your entrepreneurship?  What are you creating in your life currently that inspires yourself and others?  At TRIBE Conference 2018, a conference for creatives I recently attended, these questions were raised to challenge us to take a stand for our next creative step.

Jeff Goins, author of 5 books, including Real Artists Don’t Starve and leader/creator of the Tribe Conference shared a past personal story of how he had to build up courage to ask a beautiful girl out to his high school homecoming dance.  After years of rejection from other girls, he had to practice the conversation he was to have with her, continue the dialogue in his head, prepare for rejection and explore every possible scenario before he could possibly ask her.

When he finally asked her on the evening before the dance, he waited for her no.  She smiled at him and said yes.  He walked away, hardly believing her answer.  As he walked away, she called after him.  He was sure she had changed her mind.  He turned back to her smiling face.  “It’s about time,” she told him.

What in our own lives in creativity is waiting, waiting for the “right time?” What may be keeping you from pursuing your own creativity and that possible “yes” in your life? Where is that expanding audience who will love the work you do?

You can find the courage and fight to find the right time.  Here are three steps to consider.

Fight the greatest/worst tension

Fight the tension of “it’s the greatest work I’ve ever done” and it’s the worst work ever.”  Our minds like to trick us and keep us caught up in fear.  Like in Jeff’s story, he had to rehearse what he was going to say, but then it took courage and the first step to make the ask.

In our creative work, the tension may always linger there, but the first step against the voice of “worst ever” will help quiet the voices.

Make a move on procrastination

Jeff also waited until the last possible moment to make the ask.  What might have happened had he asked sooner?  When identifying opportunities to share your creative work, where can you start small with sharing it?  Who can you share your message with so you can get practiced in sharing it in small steps?

Again, momentum helps overcome procrastination.

Tackle rejection and fear

Jeff had past rejection in his life that colored his expectations of what the next answer was to be.  How has past practice held you back from current or future endeavors?  Brian Tome says “Fear can be a productive opportunity.”  Look at your fear, like Jeff did and step out to take a stand.

“Make something you love for someone who will love it.” Todd Henry

What about you?

It’s about time…..  Write that sentence phrase on a piece of paper and complete it.  What is it time for you to do or be as a creative?  What inspiration do you need to move forward?

For me, It’s about time I value and share the gifts and message God has given me in my writing .  What is your statement?

What is it about time for you to be, do or have? I would love to hear what is on your heart or in your head that will help you move forward.  Sharing it helps it become real.

More inspiration to come……


Thanks to Jeff Goins and Tribe Conference 2018 for the inspiration for this article and for the encouragement to write, write, write and know it’s about time…….


Nancy Booth loves to walk and talk with mid-life Christian women about their journey to their authentic, well-nourished lives.  She encourages them to create space in their lives to look for God’s fingerprints and give themselves permission to discover what they need to live fully present, healthy mind, body and heart.  She is a certified life coach and spiritual director as well as enneagram coach.  She would love to travel with you on your journey to an authentic, well-nourished life- awakened, loved and transformed.

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