6 Action Steps to Partnership with God

6 Action Steps to Partnership with God

In the early morning hours, I get up to spend alone time with God. My premise is I desire to partner with God.  However, before you say, “isn’t that nice” or “I could never do that.” or think I am some kind of amazing person, let me tell you how messy it is. Some...
Out of the Darkness into the Light

Out of the Darkness into the Light

A water well is such a necessity.  Those of us who live in cities and turn on the faucet take for granted how easy it is to access water and bring it up from wherever the water comes from, an underground aquifer or spring, river or even man-made reservoir.  I happen...
Discovering Possibilities Can Bring Hope and Health

Discovering Possibilities Can Bring Hope and Health

Discovering possibilities in my life has become a life line in my quest for understanding stress and depression.  The changes I have made as a result of exploring different possibilities have created hope and health in my life.  I found my own life coach opened me up...

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